News September 1 2016
Photos of people and bikes from the magnificent 7th International Bike Show at the Royal Oak, Nailsea. To see if you have been caught on camera click HERE

Tesco Nailsea is on route for a Mad Hatters tea part for cancer support charity Macmillan. Read all about their efforts and others hosting a coffee morning by clicking HERE

Our green and pleasant space
Do you live on Trendlewood and want to have a say on the management of its community park.
North Somerset Council believe Trendlewood Park in the south east of the town is an important green space providing an extensive space for recreation.
It is a natural play area for children, popular with dog walkers and a bridleway runs along part of the park.
It is also used as a route to school and work and links the town with the surrounding countryside.
Local people are now being asked to comment on the second five-year plan for the park.
But be warned the plan which takes you up until the year 2020 is 82-pages long.
To read more click HERE to go to the Flower Peeps page which is for all enviromental issues.

Nail 'C' art makes Turnip Prize book
A new book is being published next month which features a spoof UK art award that includes a Nailsea entry.
The Turnip Prize: A Retrospective by authors Trevor Prideaux and Royston Weeksz asks the question ‘we know it's crap...but is it art?’ and comes out in hardback on Thursday, October 6, price £8.99.
The Turnip Prize was begun in a Somerset pub to satire the internationally famous Turner Prize.
Originally inspired by Tracey Emin's 1999 Turner Prize shortlisted My Bed, the Turnip Prize aims to celebrate the best of the worst of contemporary art.
Every year locals send in their least inventive creations to the judges in the village of Wedmore who then have the dubious honour of choosing the winner.
From Poo Tin (a tin filled with poo, topped by amateur image of Vladimir Putin), to Ewe Kip (a toy sheep having a nap), the Turnip Prize pays particular attention to the quality of the art's punning title and to evidence of a 'considerable lack of effort'.
The winner is awarded a turnip impaled on a rusty six-inch nail.
The book includes 40 images of entries from throughout the prize's not-so-illustrious history with pontificating critical analysis of each piece by Royston Weeksz along with insightful comments from the competition judges (such as ‘complete b*ll*cks').
The 2013 Nailsea entry of a nail in the shape of ‘C’ is a little scathing of its inhabitants who its says are Daily Mail readers living in commuter hell ‘eels to the Sargasso Sea’ adding the judges view of entry: ‘The artist must have been hammered when he did this’.
Nailsea People are told it would make the ultimate gift for art-lovers and art-establishment sceptics alike.
About the authors, pictured below with the Nailsea entry:
Trevor Prideaux: Trevor was born in Lynton, North Devon where he was the youngest son of nine siblings. He was thrown out of Sunday School at the age of nine for refusing to sing All Things Bright And Beautiful when it was p*ssing down outside. Trevor moved to Wedmore in 1995. He is the founder the Turnip Prize and various other events in the village. Trevor lives with his partner Amanda and has a son Radford.
Royston Weeksz OBE, FRSA: Royston was born in Dagenham and ran away as quickly as possible. He attended the Slade School of Art and in 1966 became director of the Pretentious Gallery, Soho. He has been a noted TV art critic since the early 1980s, presenting acclaimed series including Splat! How To Comprehend Incomprehensible Art (1986) and All Balls - a critic's guide to Contemporary Art Criticism (1993).
You can pre-order your Octopus Books copy from Amazon by clicking HERE.

housing debate: READ WHAT BLOGGERs SAY HERE!
Location, location, location
Could the gloomy forecast for Nailsea with its ageing population amid fears of schools and shops closing be halted by building more houses for families and first time buyers?
Developers Mactaggart & Mickel think so and has confidently put in an outline planning application to build 450 houses off Youngwood Lane.
Originally called a ‘Garden City’ when the implications to the locals that they were going to get a Welwyn Garden City on their doorstep has led to a rethink about that moniker.
Looking at the map it is a huge swathe of countryside and in some ways reminiscent of the controversial Costain’s application from the 1980s although this time coming at the green fields from a different angle.
Then there is the another contentious plan to build 197 homes on 18-acres at Engine Lane, 14 of which is owned by Nailsea Town Council including four acres presently leased to Nailsea & Backwell Rugby Club and a further four acres owned by neighbouring farmers.
This wouldn’t have been so fraught with disagreements if the people living opposite hadn’t been promised a park – and if the councillors now backing their objections had voted the funds for this to have become a reality.
M&M have done its homework and talked to the town council, traders and residents in a series of consultations – 7,000 leaflets distributed with hundreds going to see an exhibition.
Consultants Tristan Fitzgerald Associates carried out a questionnaire and say 73.8 per cent of Nailsea residents who replied want more growth for the town although they are split 50/50 about whether that should be off The Uplands.
Worries about overcrowded doctors’ surgeries, need for more leisure facilities like a swimming pool, lack of parking, gridlock on the roads and distance from town centre were among the reasons cited.
North Somerset Council has been asked to approve approximately 450 dwellings with new access roads on the land north of Youngwood Lane and east of Netherton Wood Lane and people only have until Thursday, August 18, to submit a comment or objection.
To do so online click HERE.
The sloping 60-acre tree lined site is currently used to graze livestock and is bounded on the plan by a proposed ‘strategic gap’ to stop Nailsea spilling into Backwell.
Nailsea Town Council heard a presentation by Barratt Homes this week about Engine Lane and its proposed layout is currently on display at the Tithe Barn.
Clerk Ian Morrell said: “There was feedback from residents and councillors, mainly about highways issues.
“The terms of the sale were discussed at length and various issues were identified as needing further discussion.”
But the wrangling goes on and it appears the only matter agreed was the eight weeks timescale from agreeing ‘Heads of Terms’ to contract should be deleted.
The ‘confidential’ financial aspects of the sale which is believed could net the town council £4 million was held behind closed doors.
Mr Morrell added: “It was resolved to agree the Heads of Terms in principle and to continue negotiations with Barratts and North Somerset Council (regarding the restrictive covenant).
“The plan is for the town council to be able to consider a fully comprehensive contract in due course.”
A Nailsea mother of teenagers who was at the meeting said: “To be honest is was difficult to know what was going on…they talked around and around in circles for two hours before they ended up with a ‘private’ discussion, which the public were not privy to.
“Personally, I think they'll sell the land to Barratt Homes.
“I've got mixed feelings about it and I was surprised at how many unanswered questions there were this far into the game.
“I hope they didn't make a commitment in the closed session because there were far too many unknowns.
“Things like, they hadn't even considered the impact of traffic going across The Causeway or the moors.
“It seems looking at the figures for shared ownership there are plans for only four two-bed houses, three three-bed and one four-bed.
“I want more affordable housing in Nailsea.
“I've got a 23-year-old chomping at the bit to leave home and buy a place.
“There's talk of £200,000 for the smallest home which is not exactly ‘affordable’ to a young person.”
A delegation from Nailsea Action Group also attended the meeting including chairman Matthew Thomas and vice-chairman Antony Evans who raised many concerns including:
Clause 19 of the Heads of Terms which tied the Council to a tight timetable of negotiation, and this clause was later voted out by the council;
The apparent very high cost to the Council of the overages, abnormal costs and additional abnormal costs listed in the Heads of Terms, and whether this represented the best value for money and use of the council’s assets under its legal ‘fiduciary duty’;
The potential for Engine Lane to become extremely dangerous with increased traffic as predicted in its own traffic surveys – a councillor suggested a 20 mile an hour limit;
The lack of any view of the impact of traffic on local roads and notorious bottle-necks;
The lack of clarity and definition Barratt’s was able to give on a number of issues such as the cost of houses, the appropriateness of the housing mix and affordability, the absence of one-bed properties; and
Doubt as to whether this will meet the council’s intention to bring young people and those seeking genuinely affordable homes to Nailsea.
STOP PRESS 1: This debate continues with the bloggers - see below. To read what they have to say click HERE to go to page which has links to the two petitions.
STOP PRESS 2: Engine lane is back on the agenda for Nailsea Town Council together with the purchase of Youth House on Wednesday, September 7, at
STOP PRESS 3: Statement from Nailsea Town Council chairman David Packham after meeting:
Engine Lane - we are awaiting a response from North Somerset Council on its assessment of the amount to lift the covenant - holidays have prevented progress on this - and until this figure is available Nailsea Town Council is not in a position to take any further decisions; and
Youth House - Nailsea Town Council wish to challenge North Somerset Council further on its decision to demand payment for the transfer of the Youth House building, given that it has been a public building for the use of Nailsea residents for many years.

Roadworks on airport shortcut
Travellers taking a shortcut through Backwell to Bristol Airport are warned of roadworks on route.
North Somerset Council is warning that resurfacing work started on Downside Road in Backwell on Monday, September 5 and is expected to last for four weeks.
Works will take place between the junction with the A38 Bristol Road and Coombehead Farm.
The diversion route will be via Brockley Combe Road, A370 (Main Road, Rhodyate Hill, Bristol Road), B3133 (High Street, Brinsea Road, Stock Lane), A38 (Station Road, Redhill, Bristol Road) and vice-versa, and will be clearly signed.
Resurfacing work is scheduled to being on Sunday, September 18, for two weeks at Dinder Gardens, Ash Hayes Close and Ash Hayes Road at Nailsea.
To check the latest situation on the council’s roadworks website click HERE.
You can also follow @NorthSomersetC on Twitter or search for North Somerset Council on Facebook for daily updates on where work is taking place.

The Nailsea episode will be broadcast on Friday, October 7, at 11am on BBC1


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