Our town is a very nice town

THE online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends
There is a new abridged What's On 2020 HERE postponed events have been archived
May 2020
January homes for sale by Property Peeps page sponsors Hunters Estate Agents and Letting Agents in the High Street HERE. Plus news that district council has decided to go it alone with a Local Plan is also on this page
Breaking News
Nailsea in lockdown the latest as it happens - queues for shopping, looking for flour, and who is delivering prescriptions, groceries all HERE

National Grid
To download the latest newsletter from National Grid with a revised timetable of cable laying for Nailse go to this page by clicking HERE

Gallery 2020
The result of our View From My Window competition - did we make the right choice? See the 20+ entries and other slideshows HERE

May the frontline force be with you

Let's go party for VE Day
Nailsea is having a party and everyone is invited providing they keep their social distance!
The flags are out already at 65 High Street the base for Nailsea Covid-19 Help Group and the old red phone box further along the road bought from BT for a pound by Nailsea Town Council is also decked in red, white and blue bunting.
The roll of honour for Nailsea volunteers and businesses have never been longer as everyone pulls together to be good neighbours and support one another during this pandemic crisis.
The programme for bank holiday Friday, May 8 varies slightly from road to road so please add your timings to the Nailsea People Facebook comment box or email
11am two minutes silence on your doorstep and start of BBC special programming on television
From 2.30pm it’s tea and cake on garden front lawn
3pm Churchill’s famous victor speech show on BBC
9pm HM the Queen’s address on television following by Dame Vera Lynn sing-a-long to We’ll Meet Again.

UNION JACKS FLYING: And the photos are in click HERE to see VE Day 75th anniversary photos from Nailsea

Slow down, you are going too fast
Nailsea police beat team had a busy evening conducting speed checks in the town centre after reports of motorists driving like they are on a racetrack.
And while the report provoked nearly 100 comments on the Nailsea People Facebook page opinion wavered from ‘well done, about time,’ from Andrew Kelly to ‘waste of police resources’ from others like Andy Fitzjohn.
But the most shocking comment came from Rochelle Shallcross who said: “A black Mercedes was driving about 70mph on Backwell Bow on Tuesday.
“The male driver deliberately tried to run me over and my three children, it was so scary.”
James Parson said this area is covered by CCTV and this needs to be checked.
And Emma Bryant told how her son was nearly knocked off his bike last week.
She said: “This was on the road before you reach the Scotch Horn Centre, the car shot up right behind him intimidating him and sped really close past him.”
John Cooper said: “It’s as if some inconsiderate people seem to think that the speed limit does not apply to them and they do not use their indicators at roundabouts and junctions.”
Some people asked for other roads to be targeted like Michelle Rogers who complained about speeding along Lodge Lane.
Sally Monnery highlighted those racing along the road towards Bristol and Katherine Lambert said those on route to the industrial estate at Southfield Road were a nuisance driving at excessive speeds.
Katherine said: “It's not just the boy racers, I've seen some older people in mega posh cars speeding too.”
And Graham Taynton said he also would like to see police out on the road from Tout’s Budgens to the bottom of Tower House Lane and Michele Sargent cited the motorbikes tearing around Trendlewood to the annoyance of safety conscious residents.
Waitrose worker Katrina Balshaw thinks she was caught doing 31-33 miles an hour in a 30mph zone.
This prompted a fierce debate on whether those just about the limit would get fined and points added to their licence.
Tony Randall said many cars have been clocked going at 60+mph.
Andy said: “They are out to deliberately catch people, if I saw someone speeding outside a school during school hours that’s fair... but you see police outside schools early on Saturday mornings.”
And he pondered if the exercise just to boost police coffers?
Vikki Jones said: I wish they would come and stand in North Street to get the idiots driving around with their noisy exhausts driving way to fast.”
Mike Rawlings said: “Anyone messing about on the road at the moment needs their head checked, if it went bad, do you really want to go to hospital/send someone else there?”
Sarah Goulty said: “There has been some ridiculous driving down Trendlewood Way.
“There are so many young families out on bicycles, people crossing the road.
“Any sane, responsible person would be driving at less than 20 miles an hour.
“I'm really surprised no one has been killed.”
Margaret Corfield said: “The West End of Nailsea is largely ignored…idiots driving like lunatics.
“The Causeway is a death trap.”
But Ben Daniels didn’t think now was the time to concentrate on speeding drivers.
He said: “That’s the spirit - catch a few people doing 34 mph and fine them - that’s the way to encourage the people during this difficult time.”
A police spokesman set out this response:
Among the thousands of calls a day, priority is ALWAYS given to serious crime;
When officers have time (from not dealing with traumatised victims, emergency calls for help, arresting criminals and the associated work to ensure they are brought to justice, dealing with risk to life, mental health issues, domestic violence, and right now the massive spike in calls from the public about their neighbours breaking lock-down rules....a job that has suddenly arisen from nowhere), their next priority is to attend to those things most concerning communities, based on the number of reports received;
Nailsea residents have reported significant concerns about dangerous and anti social use of vehicles in the town;
Our local officers find time, in between everything else, to respond to those concerns by carrying out highly visible, high profile checks like those shown here;
So now, the drivers of those vehicles causing danger and anxiety to residents know the police are checking (deterrent);
It is also a fact that often those who use vehicles in such a dangerous and anti-social way are also committing other offences, like driving without insurance, drink driving, driving under the influence of drugs. Occasionally, officers find stolen vehicles through these checks too, or find people in the vehicles who are wanted for other crimes like burglary, or stealing car; and
There is absolutely no financial advantage to police officers for issuing fixed penalty notices.

A walk (or cycle) in the park
A new path makes it possible for people to walk or cycle into Bristol from Nailsea and Long Ashton without having to take in any main roads, according to Bristol 24/7 journalist Martin Booth.
He reported that the 800-metre section of the path through Ashton Court has now been completed, connecting the gate to Ashton Court near the park & ride with the UWE site at Kennel Lodge Road.
The Greenways & Cycleroutes charity, founded by former Sustrans chief executive John Grimshaw and former Sustrans trustee Caroline Levett, worked for five years to make this new section of path a reality after preparing the first drawings as part of Bristol’s Green Capital programme.
The three-metre-wide path offers a space to walk or cycle while respecting the current physical distancing measures during the coronavirus pandemic.
Mr Grimshaw said: “Humphry Repton designed Ashton Park 200 years ago.
"It has been a privilege to work in such a landscape and to create a path which is already so much appreciated.
“We hope the path would have pleased him.”
Sustrans director for the South of England James Cleeton, added: “I’m genuinely excited to see this stretch of path open and being used by the public.
“It will make a real difference for people travelling into Bristol from North Somerset.”
Anne Ray-Rowley said” Yeah that's great news.”
But some Nailsea people feel that cycle route 33 still needs some work to make it a continuous safe alternative link to Bristol.
Ann Nobes said: “Part of it goes through a housing estate in Long Ashton so not entirely traffic free.”
Jenna Brown said: “This route has become very busy recently with key workers struggling to use it safely to get to and from work.
“A combination of overgrown hedges, volume, groups and inexperienced cyclists have made it very difficult to maintain a 2m distance.
“I'm sure many users would appreciate where possible, exercise being taken outside of commuting times.”
And Galen Norman said: “The worst part of route 33 is along Backwell Bow, due to a lethal combination of a narrow road, deep potholes on both sides of the road and inconsiderate (often speeding) motorists who try to overtake cyclists (cycling in single file) who are also trying to avoid the numerous potholes.”
Galen intends to wear a helmet with cam to record his observations once the pandemic restrictions ease.
PHOTO: Greenways & Cycleroutes

RA Wait Garage Services is still open for business!
John, Paul and Nathan have been working hard to help keep key workers, including NHS, supermarket and pharmacy staff, on the road.
They understand that the vast majority of their customers are currently staying at home right now.
Don’t forget that RA Wait offer a vehicle collection and delivery service to people in the local area who can no longer leave their homes.
This is at no extra cost so please ask for further details when you book your service, MOT etc.
Garages will undoubtedly be very busy later in the year when restrictions are lifted so if you need your car collecting sooner, please get in contact.
Whilst the government has announced a 6 month extension for cars that were due their MOT on or after March 30th, it’s important that your vehicle doesn’t become unroadworthy if you continue to use it.
Find us at Unit 24, Southfield Rd Trading Estate, BS48 1JJ or call us on 01275 866353 or visit
is powered by
The TEK Hut
The TEK Hut was started by Ben Parker in the summer of 2018.
For 12 years Ben had been one of the team at The ICT Workshop which provided a wide variety of computer services to Nailsea, Clevedon, Yatton, Backwell and even Weston-Super-Mare.
Ben felt it right to continue the same great service customers had previously experienced but under new branding for a new business and The Tek Hut was born.
Trading at the familiar location in Nailsea, The Tek Hut will continue to offer the same cost effective, new laptops and PCs, upgrades, onsite support for homes and businesses through to a wide range of workshop services and accessories.

Window Cleaning
Get spruced up for 2020 with this Nailsea-based company boasting best prices
Quotes for fascia, gutters and drainpipe cleaning no obligation
Call 0759 532 3274

Schoolwear: Uniforms, Accessories, and Name Tapes
Footwear: School Shoes
Sportswear: PE Kits, Gumshields, Shin Pads, and Velcro Daps
Dancewear: RAD Approved for Ballet, Tap, Modern, and Jazz
Activitywear: Uniforms and accessories for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Nailsea School 2020 calendar
Orchard Toys: Educational Games, Teacher Approved
School Togs
Clevedon Walk, Nailsea, BS48 1RS
01275 857491

Nailsea bed and breakfast

A home from home at Highdale the family-owned bed and breakfast at Nailsea. The B&B at 82 Silver Street is run by Tony and Tina Davey. Call 01275 858004, email, or go online by clicking HERE for more details