All they want for Christmas is a new Nailsea skatepark

There are just eight weeks left to help buy a skatepark for the young people of Nailsea.
The project to replace the old and worn out ramps at Millennium Park has been costed at approximately £100,000.
With grants, donations and fundraising a massive £91,000 has already been raised/
Project spokesman Phil Williams said: “The challenge is to maximise the amount we can fund raise in the next few weeks to invest in a skatepark which will last 20 years.
“It is evident that now the public as well as community and business groups see that the dream could become reality they are prepared to dig deep again to help us make this park become a realisty.”
But here is the rub – in order to go to tender they have to raised the remaining £9,000 by Christmas.
A magnanimous gesture to donate monies and good wishes by Portishead supporters has been praised by Mr Williams.
He said: “We have received a contribution from those who have been working tirelessly without success to try and find a solution for a skatepark in Portishead.
“They have very kindly donated funds and wished the Nailsea team all the best.
“Of course our park will be a fantastic attraction to Portishead and the surrounding areas as well as Nailsea.”
And Nailsea Community Trust upped the money they had previously donation.
A NCT spokesman said: “Nailsea Community Trust continues to have faith in the skatepark as a resource for the young people of the area.
“We are proud to be involved in creating what will be an amazing and enduring facility, catering for a range of ages, abilities and techniques.
“The directors believe the skatepark has proven itself to be a hub where young people can develop social and physical skills and resilience-qualities which are of prime importance in life.
“We wish the Nailsea Skatepark Project every success in making its dream a reality."
Mr Williams added: “Of course we have been hugely appreciative of the major amounts of funding coming through, but equally of encouragement to the team is the £5, £10 and £20 and above gifts from individuals who are proud of the town and want to see this amazing facility completed on time.”
During November shoppers at Waitrose can donate their green tokens in the Community Matters collections towards the skateboard park.

Trendlewood Community Festival in Nailsea is delighted its summer's festival made a surplus of £1,780.
To continue the Festival’s spirit of community coming together, a cheque was donated this week to Nailsea Skatepark Project which is fundraising for a new skatepark for young people in the town.
Mark Austin, who lead the team of festival volunteers, said: “People on the Trendlewood estate built this event from the bottom up and supported it in record numbers.
“Nearly 1,000 people came and enjoyed the community spirit.
“This donation means the festival has a lasting impact on Nailsea which is brilliant.”
During the day-long event festival-goers were encouraged to submit photographs for a competition themed ‘Our Trendlewood’.
And congratulations go to Ann Irving, Sara Kelly and Bethany Edwards for their prize winning entries pictured above top.
Trendlewood Community Festival is especially grateful to its supporters and sponsors who helped it run a high quality event that was free to enter.
Special thanks go to Nailsea Town Council, COIN, Nailsea Community Trust & Standen & Sons.
For more information click HERE.
Another controversial change in the uniform at Nailsea School has been proposed this week.
In September 2011 the school banned girls wearing skirts but now it is proposing to bring them back along with expensive blazers.
Parents of the 1,200+ pupils at the Mizzymead Road school have been invited this week to take part in a uniform consultation to see if they would support a move towards a school blazer, which would be worn as a compulsory item of uniform.
The proposal is to introduce the blazer to the different year groups over two years from 2016.
This would mean that students in the current Year 9 and above would not need to buy the new blazer.
As the blazer is introduced it would replace the jumper as essential uniform, however this will continue to be an optional extra, to be worn under the blazer.
Head teacher Chris Wade said: “I am also asking for your opinion on the introduction of a pleated skirt for girls, also as an optional extra.
“These would only be available from our uniform supplier – School Togs.”
Clevedon School and Gordano School have already introduced blazers which are only available from one approved supplier and cost between £34-40 plus.
Journalist Amy Packham writing in the The Huffington Post UK only last month reported that: “Some parents are spending a lot more than they need to on their children's school uniform due to exclusive deals between schools and suppliers according to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).
“The Government's competition watchdog has issued an open letter to all head teachers urging them to recognise that these exclusive deals are ‘not giving parents value for money’.
“The CMA found in some cases parents were paying up to £10 extra per item because they were buying from the schools' appointed suppliers.
“Anne Pope, the CMA's senior director of enforcement, states in the letter 'schools should make sure that there is competition for the supply of school uniforms to parents. Customers benefit from lower prices, better quality goods and services, new and innovative products and greater choice'."
Parent Karen Weeks who set up a Facebook page to discuss the proposals said: “When Nailsea School governors where asked why they would not allow other suppliers of school uniform they told us in a statement: ‘The governors agreed unanimously with the current school policy for the particular items of school jumper and tie to be supplied through School Togs in order to maintain consistency across all students in these two key items. These are the only items of the normal school uniform required to be purchased in this way and the school supplies guidance on where to purchase approved shirts, trousers and shoes from a variety of suppliers at a variety of cost’.
“Consistancy? Surely this will mean children will look different if some wear the blazer, and some don't?
“Also, this is to be rolled out over two years, so there will be a lot of different uniforms during that time.
“Why can't we be allowed to have logoed jumpers from somewhere else - Tesco supermarket sell blazers from £12 and a jumper with logo for £7.50?
“I will be taking part in the consultation especially when they are considering skirts, which they have already banned once, and will probably do again.
“This will be the third uniform change since my daughter started that school.
“Let’s hope enough of us kick up that they will actually listen.”
Governors backed former head teacher David New five years ago when he said: “After a vigorous debate it was decided by an overwhelming majority that in order to enable all students to participate fully in learning activities

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Former Nailsea schoolboy George Shelley has joined I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!
The celebrity show set in the Australian jungle went live on ITV on Sunday night.
Joining George for the new series competing for the King or Queen of the Jungle title are Duncan Bannatyne OBE, Lady Colin Campbell, Tony Hadley, Yvette Fielding, Chris Eubank, Susannah Constantine, Brian Friedman, Jorgie Porter and Kieron Dyer.
George, aged 22, who admits to being scared of moths says he’ll miss his bed, home comforts and his mum Toni while in the jungle.
Click on image above for a slideshow of George in jungle.
Toni invited lots of lots friends to join her Facebook page 'George Shelley in the Jungle' and for the new show fans can download an app which allows them to vote for free.
After the debut broadcast she posted on FB: "I am going to try and sleep now.
"A massive thank you to you all for your support on the first night. I hope you all feel the buzz and that my George is bringing you all some magic into your lives, and that this page makes you feel part of it, because believe me you are...big time."
George was born at Southmead hospital and his first home was in Clevedon where his mum Toni grew up.
But his somewhat nomadic early years led him to go to nursery school at Happy Hours, Nailsea; Backwell Infant School; Golden Valley Primary School at Nailsea and then to Yeo Moor Junior School at Clevedon.
He began secondary school in Burnham before transferring to Kings of Wessex at Cheddar and after taking a successful BTEC in graphic design at Weston College was about to start a second year at Bath Spa University.
So his roots and in Somerset while his future is Down Under and the unknown!
The boy band bachelor who is part of Union J believes his jungle experience is going to be worse that appearing live on The X Factor.
Before he left the UK George said: “I am really excited about being on the show and it actually feels really surreal!
“I can’t quite believe I am going to be on it.
“It’s going to be so different to life with Union J.“It’s a great change from
By royal approval

HRH The Princess Royal is going to open Europe’s largest elephant habitat at Noah's Ark near Nailsea a few days before Christmas.
The Princess Royal will officiate at grand opening of 20 acre Elephant Eden on Thursday, December 17.
It is described as a 'five star hotel for elephants' by international elephant management specialist Alan Roocroft,
Elephant Eden saw the arrival of its first African elephant in 2014 and has had finishing touches to the complex completed this year along with the arrival of further elephants.
The Bishop of Bath and Wells will join the Royal visit to officially dedicate the event.
For full story go to the Noah's Ark page by clicking HERE.
THE online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends
November 2015
Part two

Our town is a very nice town
The young and the not-so-young marked Armistice Day at Nailsea on the 11/11. Their photos have been added to the Royal British Legion parade and wreath laying ceremony at the war memorial at Holy Trinity church on Sunday, November 8. Go to the gallery by clicking HERE.
Tesco Nailsea is supporting FareShare and the Community Christmas initiative. To find out how you can help click HERE.

And on Saturday, November 28, customers at Tesco Nailsea can support the project by buying raffle tickets in-store and view the plans for the park.And a Win A Helicopter Ride raffle prize donated by Butterfly Travel will be launch at Tesco on this weekend with tickets sold until the end of the year including at Crown Glass shopping centre Christmas market on Saturday, December 19.
Other fundraising ideas include a live music evening, another sponsored challenge and offers of match funding by local business.
And fingers-crossed for the final £9K then a commemorative display at the park will feature the names of those you have contributed.
The proposed new park will be suitable for beginners and experts alike, with lots of opportunities to improve.
The team hope to fulfil dream which is to have a new concrete skatepark built in time for the 14th Nailsea Skatepark Festival and Nailsea showcase on Saturday, July 9, 2016.
The team believe that by ‘working together we can achieve so much more’
Want to help? Email Phil Williams at
Nailsea Skateboard Project was launched 14-months ago to replace out-of-date concrete ramps at Millennium Park.
However its 60,000 bid to Sport England towards building a new skate park at Nailsea by next summer failed.
The original £160,000 rebuilding target has been revised to a more realistic goal.
By slightly modifying some of the features of the new design the fundraisers have gave themselves 12-13 weeks to raise a further £20,000.
The skate park was a planning gain from Tesco supermarket but is now 14-years-old.
Backers so far include the Tough As Nails cross country marathon organised by community policeman Mark Raby and Trendlewood Community Festival, Nailsea Town Council, Holy Trinity and Trendlewood churches, North Somerset Council, Nailsea Community Trust, COIN and individuals and businesses at Nailsea.
Previous stories about the skatepark can be found on the Young Peeps page by clicking HERE including the report below on how we broke the story more than one year ago.
PHOTO: From Trendlewood Festival where the youngsters
built their own skatepark for a day as a fundraiser
©Roy Harley
Trendlewood Community Festival keeps on giving
What the blazers? Another new Nailsea School uniform
trousers represent a much more practical option.“Since September 2009 the school has been encouraging students to wear the new school uniform appropriately.
“After consistent warnings and clear indications on the school website about the consequent s of flouting the rules the school governors have decided that the trousers only uniform for both boys and girls is the right option.”
The change of heart is because both Clevedon and Gordano comprehensives have introduced blazers and many think they look smart.
But before anything is decided the school has decided to consult parents and pupils on the proposals.
The idea is to dump the current jumper with embroidered logo and introduce a black tailored jacket.
Parents have been constantly complaining about the price of the knitted pullover and its laundry performance.
Prices for a V-neck pullover at top public school Eton start at £17.50 although parents also have to pay out of a cashmere overcoat at £225 plus.
Pictured right is the 1914 uniform as copyright infringements didn't let us publish a modern image
In October 2010 Nailsea School issued a ban on Miss Sexy fashion trousers for being too tight.
This provoked a flurry of stories in the national newspapers led by two dissident teenagers.
Parents and carers who wish to take take in the consultation can download the document HERE.
George in jungle
singing but it’s definitely going to be way more scary than performing on stage.
“I know it sounds ridiculous to have a phobia of moths but I do.
“As a child, I got told a story about how moths are the ghosts of ancestors or something and there is a video of me running away from a moth, it’s hilarious.
“What trials am I dreading then? Ones that involve four-legged animals.”
Last year saw motorcycle racer Carl Fogarty crowned King of The Jungle, with Jake Quickenden as runner up.
The series saw Michael Buerk rapping with Tinchy Stryder, Kendra Wilkinson and Edwina Currie falling out in spectacular style and Gemma Collins going jungle AWOL after only a few days in camp.
How will this year’s celebrities cope with being away from their loved ones? Sleeping in the wild? Lack of food? Sharing a camp with snakes, rats and creepy crawlies? And perhaps worst of all, adapting to spending 24 hours a day with their campmates?
Well Day One and the Daily Express is already asking on are #ImACeleb's Jorgie Porter and George Shelley set for a jungle romance?
Presenters and real stars of the show Ant and Dec will be sure to giving us all the gossip from the jungle while overseeing those infamous Bushtucker Trials.
STOP PRESS: After a few trials and tribulations in the jungle comes the news that Georges mum Toni Harris is on route for Australia. She is carrying a 'pillow' for when competitors go head-to-head to win a prize possession from home. George whose name has been romantically linked with both Jorgie Porter and latecomer Ferne McCann - part of the trio of reality stars which also incuded Vicky Pattison and Spencer Matthews all though the latter name didn't last five minutes - was seen on Saturday night getting a cuddle from substitute 'mum' Susannah Constantine after having a wobble and a few tears about 'living' in the camp.