Gallery 2021
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Nailsea doesn't forget

November 2021
Nailsea and Backwell marked Remembrance 2021 with services, wreath-laying and poppies.
The Nailsea and Backwell RFC community based at the West End ground held its own Act of Remembrance which left people wondering who would be at Holy Trinity church for the service.
Will Hellier as part of his fitness regime completed a Poppy Appeal 2021 fundraising 11k run on Saturday.
He said: "Thank you to everyone that has given so generously for the Poppy Appeal 2021 by sponsoring my 11k run."
Will also thanked everyone who made contributed to Nailsea and Backwell RFC Act of Remembrance.
This included the bugler who played the Last Post and Reveille live and the three rugby players who represented the armed forces.
Covid and old age did affect the numbers at Holy Trinity but 11 wreaths representing the official groups in the town laid garlands of red poppies and a crowd of people including many youth groups gathered around to pay their silent respects.
Good-humoured army cadets made sure they were parade ready with some spick 'n' span boot shining prior to the poignant event.
This year two soldiers replaced cadets to stand to attention and a drummer played instead of a bugler.
Among those assembled were Nailsea Town Council vice-chairman Emily Miller, old soldier Pete Stamp and on his last official duty before retirement police sergeant Mark Raby.
There was no parade from Church Lane and Royal British Legion leader Ron Collins almost forgot to read the Roll of Honour which seems to get longer every year as new names of those who lost their lives are discovered.
Large red sponsored remembrance poppies have been placed in flowers beds tended by Nailsea in Bloom.
Residents were invited write up to four names on each wooden stalk for a minimum £5 donation per poppy.
This money will also go to the Royal British Legion.
e ready with some spick 'n' span boot shiniing prior to the poignant event.
This year two soldiers replaced cadets to stand to attention and a drummer played instead of a bugler.
Among those assembled were Nailsea Town Council vice-chairman Emily Miller, old soldier Pete Stamp and on his last official duty before reitrment police sergeant Mark Raby.
There was no parade from Church Lane and Royal British Legion leader Ron Collins almost forgot to read the Roll of Honour which seems to get longer every year as new names of those who lost their lives are discovered.
Large red sponsored remembrance poppies have been placed in flowers beds tended by Nailsea in Bloom.
Residents were invited write up to four names on each wooden stalk for a minimum £5 donation per poppy.
This money will also go to the Royal British Legion.

BACKWELL PAYS RESPECT: St Andrew's at Backwell service was followed by wreath-laying at the war memorial opposite. The Remembrance photographs on this crisp, sunny Sunday, November 14, were taken by the Ackrill family, for Nailsea and Backwell Rotary, thank you

Nailsea & Backwell RFC club secretary Carl Broaders attended and laid a wreath on behalf of the club at the Bristol & District Rugby Combination Remembrance Day Service at the Memorial Ground in Bristol on Sunday morning, November 14. The service was attended by clubs from around the region who form part of the combination and reflects the debt that rugby owes to all who have served and all who have fallen.
When you go Home,
Tell them of us and say,
For your Tomorrow, we gave our Today.
John Maxwell Edmunds 1916