Our town is a very nice town
the online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends
October 2019
Two new homes for sale for October by Property Peeps page sponsors Hunters Estate Agents and Letting Agents in the High Street, plus news of a delay in the development off Engine Lane and news of the sale of a Nailsea nursing home to investors for £7 milllion. Read more HERE

Under the What's On dropdown menu is a festive Christmas page with craft fairs, pantos, places to feast and the countdown add your entry email Click HERE to do directly to the page

Your Cancer Café, Macmillan coffee mornings, Nailsea MicroPub opening night, balloons over Nailsea and Tai Chi at Millennium Park are the latest slideshows to be added plus dates of Backwell Camera Club meetings

EAT:NAILSEA: For report on festival and lots of photos go to special page in the food and drink section by clicking HERE

HEADACHE HOARDING: Reports of pharmacies 'barely coping' as dozens of popular medicines run short have reached Nailsea. Tesco checkout staff say that as soon as Paracetamol packets used to treat pain and fever (also known as acetaminophen) are put out on the shelves panic buyers clear the stock immediately. Nailsea People were told 'we can't keep up with demand' as fears of shortages post-Brexit appear in the national press.

ANY ANSWERS: Feedback from the Backwell School audience after hosting a live broadcast of the BBC Radio 4 panel show Any Questions on Friday, October 4, from 6.30pm will be posted on the Breaking News page. The panel for this topical debate includes the leader of the Brexit Party Nigel Farage MEP, the shadow Secretary of State for International Trade Barry Gardiner and the author Jeanette Winterson. British journalist and a presenter of The World This Weekend and The World At One Shaun Ley is the chairman and with the current Brexit deadline standing as Thursday, October 31, this panel will be just weeks before what could be a pivotal point in British history.

CHRISTMAS GIVING: Nailsea Christmas fair and light switch-on at Crown Glass Shopping Centre is on Friday,November 29, 5-9pm. Due to licensing laws the organisers must charge entry to Somerset Square, Colliers Walk and Clevedon Walk during the event. Last year they charged 1p - no change given - and donated the proceedings to nominated charity Springboard Opportunity Group and made a generous donation to them from stall bookings and admission fees. Centre administrator Kerry Lester said: "We would like to give this opportunity again to another local charity or community group, However they would need to supervise each of the five entrances with two person teams during the event. In reward for doing so, they would receive 100 per cent of the funds raised from entrance fees." To download a stall booking form click HERE. Contact Kerry for more information on 01275 854543 or email
EAT YOUR GREENS: The opening of the new Greens sandwich bar/deli at Colliers Walk, Nailsea was delayed but from Monday, October 7 it will be selling freshly prepared sandwiches, salad bowls, pastries, gluten free, vegan, veggie and dairy free food. But for the carnivores there will be homemade sausage rolls and scotch eggs and the best coffee in town. Keep a eye out for freebies and tasters. It is the brainchild of Dean Sandy who also runs the 119 café at Station Road. Dean said: "Feel free to bring your own coffee cups and salad bowls for money off." More information on the Shopping page and photos from opening day on food and drink page HERE

Changing the date of the 2020 May Day has caused distress to event organisers up and down the country including those in Nailsea.
Next year the first May bank holiday will be on a Friday instead of a Monday.
May Day 2020 should have been on Monday, May 4, but to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day, the government pushed back the bank holiday to Friday, May 8.
Schools will be closed and workplaces shut on the Friday for the start of a long weekend.
But all this has given a big headache reorganising the May bank holiday Monday fair run by 2nd Nailsea Scouts at Millennium Park.
The 2019 scout fair included a fairground, inflatables, side-shows, stationery engine and bike displays, barbecue, refreshment marquee and a bumper car boot sale all of which have to be booked long in advance.
It is the major fundraiser for the Hannah More Road-based troop and last year made more than £3,000 for the group.
This money is used towards maintaining its HQ and replacing and renewing equipment..
Luckily Shaun Rogers family fun fair were able to swap dates and North Somerset Council licensing department have also rubberstamped the Friday instead of Monday.
But it is the car booters which are causing the biggest worry.
2nd Nailsea Scout Group chairman Richard Simmons said: “The car boot traders don’t book in advance they just turn up on the day and we never know who is coming and how many.
“We need to get it out there that our fair will be on the Friday not Monday this year.”
VE Day, or Victory in Europe Day, marks the day towards the end of World War 2 when fighting against Nazi Germany came to an end in Europe.
School holiday
The holiday will form part of a three-day weekend of commemorative events with everyone back to work or school on Monday.
The celebrations will include more than 20,000 pubs encouraging people to toast the heroes of the war, while churches will take part in a Ringing Out For Peace.
It was on May 8, 1945, that the then Prime Minister Winston Churchill made an announcement on the radio at 3pm that the war in Europe had come to an end, following Germany's surrender the day before.
Business Secretary Greg Clark said that changing the day ‘will ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to remember and honour our heroes of World War 2 and reflect on the sacrifices of a generation’.
The May Day bank holiday has been moved only once before.
It was changed from May 1 to May 8 in 1995 to mark the 50th anniversary of VE Day but these dates were both Mondays.
The new arrangements have already seen Morris dancers and May Day organisers going to parliament to protest about the decision to move the date in 2020.
It was in June 2019 the government announced the bank holiday would be moved to Friday, May 8 to commemorate the anniversary.
None of the objectors were disputing the idea of having a public holiday to mark the occasion - they wanted an extra day not the Monday being cancelled.
Nationwide organisers complained that they had already planned and booked their events and did not have time or money to re-organise.
They said a second holiday should be arranged, but the government said that would hit the economy.
Weddings, school exams, holidaymakers and calendar makers have all been hit by the date change, according to St Ives MP Derek Thomas, who organised the debate about it in the House of Commons.
Mr Simmons echoed others when he added: “The decision to move the bank holiday was just bonkers and ridiculous.
“I fear many of our bank holiday car booters will turn up on the wrong day."

From Nailsea with love
Three Nailsea police officers are going to Kenya this November to work with needy children.
This is a return visit for some, and this time a couple of nurses will be accompanying the group.
Witnessing in 2018 first-hand the poverty and neglect suffered by young people inspired them to want to return again and try to give more humanitarian aid.
Sergeant Mark Raby said: “Last year a few of us went to Kenya to work in a rescue centre at Amboseli for young girls aged eight to 18 who had been subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriages or dangerous situations."
The officers worked alongside The Divinity Foundation which is the charity behind this project.
Mark added: “This was in the south of the country and while in Kenya we also visited an orphanage in Nairobi and some outlying villages.
“This trip affected all of us – the children have very little or nothing but the one thing they have is sport.
“Out in the villages we saw barefoot players kicking a ball made of mesh wire and leaves.
“This year we are hoping to take out some rugby balls and footballs.
“Nailsea & Backwell beer and cider festival organisers gave us a number of T-shirts and seeing every girl in the rescue centre wearing they gave me a little pride.
“At the rugby club we have a clothes collection bin for pre-loved children’s tops including those to fit teenagers.
“Everyone going on the trip is paying their own fares and expenses.
“At the 80s disco we hope to raise monies to give to the charities supporting these children."
is powered by
The TEK Hut
The TEK Hut was started by Ben Parker in the summer of 2018.
For 12 years Ben had been one of the team at The ICT Workshop which provided a wide variety of computer services to Nailsea, Clevedon, Yatton, Backwell and even Weston-Super-Mare.
Ben felt it right to continue the same great service customers had previously experienced but under new branding for a new business and The Tek Hut was born.
Trading at the familiar location in Nailsea, The Tek Hut will continue to offer the same cost effective, new laptops and PCs, upgrades, onsite support for homes and businesses through to a wide range of workshop services and accessories.

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Footwear: Hush Puppies School Shoes
Sportswear: PE Kits, Gumshields, Shin Pads, and Velcro Daps
Dancewear: RAD Approved for Ballet, Tap, Modern, and Jazz
Activitywear: Uniforms and accessories for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Orchard Toys: Educational Games, Teacher Approved
School Togs
Clevedon Walk, Nailsea, BS48 1RS
01275 857491
Nailsea bed and breakfast

A home from home at Highdale the family-owned bed and breakfast at Nailsea. The B&B at 82 Silver Street is run by Tony and Tina Davey. Call 01275 858004, email, or go online by clicking HERE for more details