THE online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends
May 2024
Our town is a very, very nice town
Property people

North Somerset Council has given reserved matters planning permission for 90 new homes in Farleigh Fields, Backwell, to Persimmon Homes. And Charles Church builders, part of the Persimmon Group, informed Backwell Parish Council it is planning a further 125 houses at the west end of the site. Read more HERE

What's On 2024
Classic concerts, folk nights and early bird tickets for the beer festival are now on sale. All feature on our What's On page which includes pub quizzes and bingo evenings plus lots of fundraising dates, AND carnival news. Read more HERE

Gallery 2024
Photos for 2024 have been split between Jan to March + April to June in lots of slideshows. We have more than a decade of images in our galleries featuring markets, festivals, Backwell lake, country walks, carnival day and Nailsea people. West Town bowling club member Ian Wilson l took the spring blossom photo, thanks

Lots more vacancies on Nailsea People job page HERE

If you are totally confused about whether McDonald's is coming to Nailsea, well so are we!
We know our young people and other fast-food fans won’t be lovin’ this, but it looks as if McDonald's is having a rethink about Nailsea.
It did this in Midsomer Norton when unable to secure a site with a drive-thru.
Earlier in April we emailed the McDonald's press office to say 'Please could you tell us if the application for a McDonald’s restaurant for Somerset Square, Nailsea, has been withdrawn as it no longer appears on North Somerset Council planning portal? The council has already approved new signage, which is still on its website, but the change-of-use is missing.'
This was the reply: "Thanks for getting in touch. We are currently reviewing our application and will have more details to follow soon."
Not a lot of detail here but we are told the company withdrew its Midsomer Norton application because it didn't have a drive-tru we did wonder?
Then North Somerset Council sent us this: “Thanks for getting in touch. I believe you’re enquiring about application 23/P/2696/FUL, concerning the proposed development at Units 21 and 22 in Somerset Square, Nailsea? During the assessment period for this application, our planning team became aware that the application was invalid. As it is invalid, it has been removed from the public website and no further assessment will be made. The applicant can submit the required information to validate the application. At that point, the application will be made public again and the assessment will continue.”
We asked: "Difficult to interpret what this means? There was some debate when the p/a was originally filed that perhaps it was unnecessary. The bottom line for fans of McDonald's is are you still coming to Nailsea - please yes?
And finally we got this from McDonald's: "Thank you for the follow-up questions. We cannot comment on whether the application was necessary, and we cannot comment on the intention of McDonald’s to open an outlet in in Somerset Square."
We then discover the application for a new signage at 21-22 has now disappeared too from the North Somerset Council website. Lots of comments on our Nailsea People Facebook page.
Facebook tells us the Nailsea People page reached 70,444 people in April and has more than 10,000 followers. Nearly 100 per cent come from North Somerset with the biggest groups aged 25-64 women and 35-64 men. More than 300 people visit Nailsea People online daily spending an average of four minutes 41 seconds on the website. The most popular pages are:
• Homepage
• Marketplace
• Breaking News
• Property
• What’s On
• Jobs
Home Additions is back on the market after a deail fell through at the last minute. The shop on the corner of High Street and Link Road has been empty since February when the business closed and moved to Clevedon Emporium. Agent Ian Thompson said it was sold but the buyer pulled out after fiding other premises in Bristol which didn't need refitting.

DAREDEVIL FUNDRAISERS: BBC The Traitors star Mollie Pearce has jumped off a big building in Bristol for charity. The former Nailsea School student and disability model Mollie, aged 22, signed up for the Big Bristol Abseil at the end of April. Mollie said: "This is where I was diagnosed and treated for my ulcerative colitis aged 11 and it has a big place in my heart." Mollie did her abseil with Charlotte 'Charlie' Bees, 34, a fellow 'faithful' Traitor contestant who is a Bristol mental health area manager. Speaking to BBC Radio Bristol after the event Mollie said: "I feel very grateful to this hospital where I spent a lot of time." On 11am on Sunday, May 5, Louise Thomas and Hayley Gould will be abseiling from the Dolman Stand roof at Ashton Gate to raise money for Great Western Air Ambulance Charity. The pair are sponsored by lots of family, friends and North Somerset MP and former Nhs doctor Liam Fox. Another event called Dare The Drop sees 19 brave people including the vicar and Ring O'Bells landlord abseiling down Holy Trinity church tower on bank holiday Monday, May 27, as part of a family fun day. More on our Breaking News page HERE
Art enthusiasts who fancy mixing an art master class with a delicious afternoon tea can book themselves onto a special one-off event at the region’s leading four-star hotel.
Cadbury House at Congresbury, welcomes renowned artist Becky Milnor to conduct a live painting workshop where she’ll reveal the techniques and secrets that have made her one of the most sought-after nature artists in the country.
Famed for using gold leaf on her work, Becky will transform a blank canvas into a shimmering image in front of the eyes of those present after which they’ll be able to practice what they’ve just learned creating their own picture.
Once the painting has finished, guests will then be served a delicious afternoon tea including glass of fizz, allowing them to sit back and admire the work of Becky as well as that of other guests.
Becky said: “As a child I lived on a farm in rural Devon and my happiest memories are of sunny carefree days playing outside and exploring the natural world.
“That’s where my inspiration comes from with all my art being countryside-inspired.
"I also love the glamourous art deco period and it is reflected in my work through the use of gold leaf.
“Using gold leaf creates a stunning luminosity and I just adore the impact of natural light hitting the canvas.”
The art class and afternoon tea is on Saturday, June 1, starting at 11.30am.
The masterclass will last for approximately two hours with tea served from 1.30pm.
Cadbury House marketing manager Matilda Burgess said: “This is a fabulous opportunity for any aspiring artist to learn from a true master.
"We’ve exhibit lots of Becky’s art here at Cadbury House with many guests asking about the pieces on display.
“This is more than just a workshop, it's a celebration of creativity, culture and gastronomy all at the same time and we’re looking forward to welcoming both experienced and newcomers to the art world here to Cadbury House.
“It’s also the first of many one-off creative events we have planned for the Garden Room here at Cadbury House which we’ll announce over the coming months and includes activities such as candle making, wreath making and a Somerset special menu event where we’ll showcase the best fare from across the county.”
Tickets are £35 per person and include the workshop and afternoon tea with a glass of fizz.
For further information or to reserve a space call 01934 834343 (Option One), email or visit

Art class and afternoon tea
The end of free parking is nigh
Nailsea has hundreds of free car parking spaces under threat of charges being introduced by the district council.
North Somerset Council is also talking about introducing parking charges for Clevedon and Portishead.
It believes charges would encourage people to make more sustainable short journeys and also form a revenue stream as it looks to make budget savings.
Residents, businesses and community groups in North Somerset are being urged to have their say in important consultations which also include proposals for three-weekly bin collections before they close on Tuesday, May 7.
The public consultations are about introducing car parking fees at sites it owns at Station Road, Clevedon Road and Scotch Horn Centre.
Charges already apply at Nailsea & Backwell railway station.
Both bin and car parking consultations can be completed using the online questionnaires at Paper copies can also be collected in local libraries.
However many argue car parking fees would put people off coming to Nailsea shopping and impact local leisure and commercial businesses.
Resident Chris Hutson has collected nearly 2,000 signatures on his petition opposed to parking fees.
He said: "As a Nailsea resident I have witnessed firsthand how our community thrives when people are free to drive and spend money in our local businesses.
"The introduction of parking charges by North Somerset Council threatens this delicate balance.
"Many businesses rely on people driving to spend money, and these new charges could deter potential customers, leading to a decline in local commerce.
"According to the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), parking fees can significantly impact small businesses' footfall and revenue - an issue that resonates deeply with us here in Nailsea.
"We urge the North Somerset Council to reconsider their decision and prioritize the economic health of our community over short-term revenue from parking charges.
"Please sign this petition if you believe in supporting local businesses and maintaining a thriving community here in Nailsea."
The petition is online here
Nailsea Town Council is firmly against any charges and it has voiced disapproval for nearly two decades.
North Somerset Council executive member for highways and transport Hannah Young is the Labour Party ward councillor for Clevedon streesed 'this is no way a done deal' and plans have not been finalised.
She said: "We've had more than 4,000 responses so far to the consultation and are looking at all the submitted comments."
Part of the proposals include short-stay permits.
The district council maintain parking charges can help cover a £50m funding gap over the four years.
The consultation ends on Tuesday, May 7, and a decision could be made this summer.
Parking at Nailsea & Backwell railway station after the first 10 minutes which is free cost:
20 minutes - £0.30
24 hours (purchase anytime) - £2.60
weekend ticket (valid 10am Friday to 10am Monday) - £5.10
seven day ticket (valid seven consecutive days from time of purchase) - £12.10.
Hotels and hospitals nationwide has car parking fees in place.
UPDATE: On Friday, May 3, Nailsea Town Council set out by letter to North Somerset Council the reasons it is against parking fees being introduced. It said: "The loss of free parking in Nailsea will definitely have a negative impact on residential communities, as drivers seek out free alternatives." It added it had decided not to contribute to the online consultation as 'it was felt that the wording of the questionnaire is exceptionally (mis?)leading and, on that basis, we felt it was unsuitable to capture our comments'. It concluded 'Nailsea depends upon regular small scale shopping trips. Free car parking is the single biggest attraction of the town to shoppers and retailers. Attracting more people from outside the town is vital to economic growth. The local economy is fragile and shoppers’ perception of the town is weak. Charges will critically undermine the perception of Nailsea as a place to visit, take footfall away from the town centre and potentially create more empty premises'. You can download the letter in full HERE

Around 160 million years ago, towards the later part of the Jurassic Period, a peculiar type of dinosaur roamed the landscape of China.
Sauropods are well-known for their long necks, but Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum towered above the landscape with an abnormally long neck measuring up to 15 metres.
Now a couple of the dinosaur eggs have turned up at Quality Collectables the antique curiousity shop at Colliers Walk although we don't know what type of dinosaur for sure.
Boss James Steel said: "The best thing about running a shop like this is you never know what you will get the chance to own.
"Today it’s two authentic dinosaur eggs unearthed in China in the 1980s which we purchased from a well known palaeontology dealer.
"If that’s not exciting enough we then bought a fossilised elephant/mammoth tooth.
"The weight of it is unreal.
"What a day."
Customer Kate Bower said: "Wow! Will you auction them? I am guessing they are worth gazillions! Otherwise you could borrow an incubator and recreate Jurassic Park!"
Currently fossilsed dinosaur dung from Utah is selling on eBay for £100 and an authentic American fossil dinosaur egg is offered for 500 dollars.
The full story behind the find is this space.
Dinosaur fossil find in Nailsea
computer techies for the online community
The TEK Hut was started by Ben Parker in the summer of 2018.
For 12 years Ben had been one of the team at The ICT Workshop which provided a wide variety of computer services to Nailsea, Clevedon, Yatton, Backwell and even Weston-Super-Mare.
Ben felt it right to continue the same great service customers had previously experienced but under new branding for a new business and The Tek Hut was born.
Trading at the familiar location in Nailsea, The Tek Hut will continue to offer the same cost effective, new laptops and PCs, upgrades, onsite support for homes and businesses through to a wide range of workshop services and accessories.

Window Cleaning
Get spruced up for spring 2024 with this Nailsea-based company boasting best prices
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