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Gallery 2024

October to December

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AIN'T NO SUNSHINE: On Tuesday, October 8, the heavens opened and more than an inch of rain fell on Nailsea. The pitch flooded at Fryth Way so the football game was postponed and our worse shortcut from the lane by The George at Backwell to east side of Nailsea under the railway bridge flooded. This photo is by Kien Searle. The M5 closed at Almondsbury and there were long tailbacks while reports came in that Wraxall hill was a mudslide. Pauline Davis said: "Really bad on B3130 near the lay-by at bottom of Towerhouse Lane." The moat at Moat Farm, Wraxall, filled with water. Farmer Anthony Bush said: “Big rain,30mm in biggest moat first time overtop for many years.” And Sandra Cook said on Tuesday afternoon: "Portbury Lane was a river and hour ago." As gardens and conservatories filled with water people questioned the wisdom of building more houses on the edge of the Somerset Levels once ancient marshland when the current drainage system can't cope. Richard Hendricks said: "Just checked the rain gauge in our garden which was emptied at approximately 9.30am this morning; it now has 1.5 inches of rain in it."

The lake in autumn/winter

October to December  2024

Backwell Lake, also known as Buckland's Pool, is, despite its name, much closer to nearby Nailsea.

The lake was built as a balancing pond in the mid-1970s and has become a wildlife haven for birds, bats and dragonflies, which are attracted by the open water and surrounding vegetation.

Bird species include gadwall, shoveler, pochard, tufted duck, grey heron and most famously for its mute swans.

In January 2018, local people circled the lake, linking hands, to protest against the proposed building of 700 homes and a four-lane link road in the village by Taylor Wimpey, which they believed would affect the lake and its wildlife.

The nature reserve which is open all hours belongs to and is maintained by Wessex Water.

There is a path all round the lake and a free car park which as the rubbish fly tipped in mid-October shows is abused by some people.

Thank you to the photographers who contributed to the slideshow above.

When you visit please follow these rules. 

  • Stay out of the water

  • No fires or BBQs

  • No dogs (except assistance dogs)

  • No fishing

  • No cycling

  • No littering

UPDATE: Wessex Water and National Grid met in October and inspected the bird reflectors/deflectors at Backwell Lake They have agreed that broken and missing deflectors will be replaced ensuring one every 5m of cable. This work is scheduled to be carried out at the end of November.


Farmers' market High Street

October 2024