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HENSONS the estate agents sponsor the Nailsea People property page.

With more than 80 networked offices in the south west and London the Nailsea office is at Ivy Court, 61 High Street, Nailsea, Bristol, BS48 1AW


Telephone: 01275 810030


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Monday, January 22, is the last chance to respond to the Local Plan - the deadline is 5pm.

The principal changes in this plan are:

  • The 15 year plan period has been revised from 2023-2038 to 2024-2039.

  • The target of 20,880 dwellings is replaced by 14,902 dwellings 2024-2039.

  • Three proposed Green Belt sites, including the strategic location at Yanley Lane (Woodspring golf course) are no longer proposed to be allocated.

  • There is significantly less growth proposed at Nailsea/Backwell in the absence of strategic highway mitigations, and this area is no longer identified as a strategic location for growth.

  • Instead of three strategic growth locations, there is proposed to be just one at Wolvershill (north of Banwell) to accommodate some 2,800 dwellings.

  • Additional employment provision is identified at M5 J20 Clevedon to address longer term needs requiring good access to the motorway.

Nailsea Action Group recommends you make comments relevant to Nailsea and immediate environs.

To comment go to and register


North Somerset Local Plan 2039

LAND FOR SALE: Auction House London is selling more odd pieces of land in Nailsea that North Somerset Council failed to adopt after developers completed the nearby housing estate. This one is behind 1-4 Portland Close, Nailsea. It comes under the hammer on Thursday, February 8. The 428 sq m freehold plot on a residential road with a guide price of £5,000 is listed as Lot 286 for the online sale. Read more HERE

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MAY TREE: Charming fully-modernised and enlarged chalet bungalow which dates back to 1908 and is on the market for the first time in 50 years with a guide price of £725-800,000. Add to this a great neighbourhood, lovely gardens with bonus of summerhouse all with in walking distance of Nailsea town centre. Contact Hensons in the High Street for more details or download full details HERE

EDWARDIAN HOME: Positioned on a super road this substantial 1910 property has a later wing added in 1939. It is on the market for offers in the region of £875,000. The main bedroom has scope to add an en suite (there is already a loo installed), three further bedrooms, family bathroom plus downstairs shower room. Outside is a large lawned garden, and summer house. Download Hensons details HERE

Housing developer Persimmon say that flooding on the A370 through Backwell is caused by silted up drains in the latest papers submitted in a bid to get detailed planning permission through for a housing estate on the much-loved Farleigh Fields.

New papers have been submitted to North Somerset Council following objections by local people and the Lead Local Flood Authority to the building of 90 new homes. Local people have until Monday, February 19, to study the 33 amended documents submitted to the planners.

Many of the 55 objections to the original plans put in over Christmas said that building on Farleigh Fields would increase run-off putting existing homes in danger of flooding and increasing the risk of flooded roads.

Persimmon have admitted that they did not put in documents assessing the downstream flood risk when they applied for permission over the Christmas period. They have now carried out surveys on the A370 and say the highway drains are not functioning at capacity, effectively blaming Wessex Water and the local authority for the flooded roads.

Persimmon Homes Severn Valley planning manager Raheel Mahmood said in a letter to North Somerset Council that if the highways drains were to be cleared there would be sufficient capacity for both the highway and the site run-off.

He said: “We would replace the highway drain from the site entrance to the existing manhole in the leisure center car park. The drain would then be adopted by Wessex Water. This scenario would provide an outfall for the Persimmon development as well as providing a betterment by resolving the existing flood issue on the A370.”

Persimmon have not held any consultation exhibitions explaining the plans to local people. The new planning application papers submitted also contain changes to a proposed pond to catch floodwater that is behind homes in Farleigh Road.

Planners have urged people who had views on the previously submitted plans to view the new ones and make any comments in letters to the immediate area delivered this weekend.

Building on Farleigh Fields was rejected at all planning stages, including by the Secretary of State.

Persimmon obtained outline planning for 90 homes at a Planning Inquiry in Weston-super-Mare last year.

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Wimpey Taylor want to build hundreds of houses at Grove Farm and Burnt House Farm, Backwell, which would in one foul swoop double the size of the village and turn it into a town.

The developers have submitted an outline planning application (application ref. 23/P/2618/OU2) for up to 515 new homes and associated development at Grove Farm/Burnt House Farm, Backwell.

Its proposals will include a mix of one, two, three, four and five bedroom properties. To support the council’s ambition for more affordable housing, circa 35 per cent are affordable homes, to address the type and size of dwellings needed within the North Somerset area.

This development say Wimpey Taylor will provide an excellent choice for all buyers, from working professionals and young couples taking their first step on the housing ladder, to growing families or downsizers.

It added: "Our plans for the site will deliver a high-quality scheme that, if approved, will provide much-needed new homes to meet the unmet housing need of North Somerset."

Proposals at a glance

  • Up to 515 new homes, including circa 35 per cent affordable

  • All new homes will be built to the Government’s ‘new future homes standard’

  • A new community hub and land for a new primary school

  • A scheme which prioritises walking and cycling and access to public transport, through a network of internal walking and cycling routes

  • A potential bus link through the site linking the A370 (at the main site access) to Long-Thorn, Moor Lane and Station Rd

  • Contributions and support to the sustainable transport measures on the A370 transport corridor 

  • New homes structured around an extensive network of green infrastructure and open space 

  • Significant enhancements to local wildlife and greenery through new planting and habitats

  • The creation of new children’s play areas

  • Extension of the local Sustrans cycle network called ‘festival way’

  • A new nature park on the southern edge of the site


A vehicular access is proposed from the A370 to the south, with improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and bus priority measures.

It is proposed that the eastern section of Chelvey Road within the site will be stopped up to vehicular traffic  (existing residents will continue to have access), with the eastern end used for pedestrians and cyclists only.

Access to Grove Farm will continue from the Chelvey Road / A370 priority junction. 

There are existing watercourses that run through the site which flow to the rhynes and the River Kenn to the west of the scheme. The existing watercourses will be reused with debris cleared and improvement /diversion works undertaken where necessary.

Numerous attenuation ponds will be provided on site, which will all have a permanent water level, where possible contributing to our ecological enhancements.

Foul flows from the development will drain via gravity into a proposed pumping station located within the development which will connect into the existing Wessex Water sewer via a rising main.

At the inquiry it was stated that other parts of the field would be protected for local people as green space in the future, but no arrangement has been made.

The latest development comes at a time when many Backwell Residents are displaying sign-boards saying “Save Our Village” because of the amount of proposed development. More than 700 people have so far objected to another development at Grove Farm by Taylor Wimpey , which would see an additional 515 houses built.

Those objecting say the village infrastructure, including doctors appointments, school places and capacity on the A370 will not cope with all the development being proposed and that vital agricultural land would be lost. Comments on that application also close this week.

Both plans are outside of areas identified in the Backwell Local Plan for new housing provision.

Martin Powell

Backwell resident

Building in Backwell 2

More than 600 objections on the North Somerset Council site. Here is a selection:


1) Backwell will become a small town and will lose its semi-rural village status. Impacting on its character and setting.
2) Local roads will suffer from severe congestion in and around Backwell. The proposed bus service plan will not help in the increased traffic situation.
3) The proposed development is not near any major employment areas therefore creating longer commuting distances.
4) Station Road is a busy and congested now, the proposed development would only add to this. Station Road is used for routes between Backwell and Nailsea.
5) Forward planning for increased bus services is in the hands of the bus companies not NSC.
6) Peak times for the train service at Backwell and Nailsea Station are already incredibly busy with commuters unable to get on a train. There are no current plans to alleviate this situation.
7) Beautiful country side will disappear and this would impact on wildlife. Also good agricultural land is needed for farming and growing produce.
8) Schools, medical centres and dentists would be overstretched.
9) This development is not in the NSC core strategy or the Backwell Neighbourhood Plan and is being pushed by the developers prematurely. I also believe that there will not be enough starter homes available and the developers are only interested in the bottom line.

1. The proposed expansion would increase the size of Backwell by 25%
2. The current roads in and around Backwell are heavily congested, originally not designed to handle the existing traffic volume. The proposed Backwell Sustainable Infrastructure Plan (BSIP) suggests making Dark Lane one way up, contributing to increased congestion on Church Lane. The development is expected to bring over 1000 additional cars, assuming most households have at least two cars, all exiting through a single access road onto the A370.
3. Existing services in Backwell, such as schools, dentists, and doctors, are already oversubscribed and would struggle to accommodate the influx of people from this proposed development.
4. The development would further limit access to the local countryside by eliminating another area of green space around the village.
5. Despite mentioning a provision for a new Junior School, there is no indication of when or if it will be built, potentially being too late if it follows the occupation of the houses.
6. The proposed development is likely to have a negative impact on local wildlife and its habitat.
7. There are currently no plans to improve access to Nailsea & Backwell Station, which is already heavily used.
8. Station Road is already heavily congested and serves as the only local route to Nailsea. The additional traffic generated by this development could lead to gridlock.
9. The proposed development deviates from the Backwell Neighbourhood Plan, raising questions about the purpose of investing time in its construction if prospective developers disregard it.
10. The lack of information on the proportion of affordable homes in this development is concerning, especially considering North Somerset Council's guideline of 35%.


  • 1. The proposed development will increase the size of Backwell by 25% which is the largest development since 1840. This is in addition to the 190 homes already approved which in themselves will add nearly 400 extra cars to the already congested roads.

  • The roads in and around Backwell are already heavily congested and were never designed to cope with the existing volume of traffic plus the the proposed BSIP will increase congestion on Church Lane by proposing to make Dark lane one way up. The proposed development will add over 1000 additional cars to the already congested roads, given that most household have at least two cars, and all will exit on to the A370 by one access road.

  • The services in Backwell, schools, dentist and doctors are already oversubscribed and will be unable to cope with the influx of people from this proposed development.

  • This would further restrict our access to the local countryside by removing another area of green space from around the village.

  • Although there is mention of provision for a new Junior School there is no indication of when or if this will be built. If it follows the occupation of the houses this will be too late.

  • The proposed development will have a negative impact on local wildlife and its habitat.

  • Currently there are no plans to improve access to Nailsea & Backwell Station which is already heavily used.

  • Station Road is already heavily congested and the only local route to Nailsea the additional volume of traffic generated by this development will cause grid lock.

  • I have lived in this village this village for over 50 years and value its size and layout. I have no wish to have it turned into a town.

  • This proposed development is not in the Backwell Neighbourhood Plan and I wonder why the village spent much time constructing this when it is just ignored by prospective developers.

  • There is no mention of the proportion of affordable homes in this development which according to North Somerset Council should be 35 per cent

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From Monday, February 12, new major developments must prove they can improve biodiversity in habitats by at least 10 per cent before building can begin. 
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a planning approach that seeks to leave land in a measurably better state than it was before. It aims to improve biodiversity – the variety of animal and plant species, habitats and ecosystems on the planet.  
BNG uses a metric created by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), which measures biodiversity in units. This means planners and developers can speak the same language, and work together to make sure habitats are being created and improved in a meaningful and measurable way.
From this week plans for all major developments across England will need to demonstrate how they will deliver at least 10 per cent BNG. 
Their plan will need to be approved by the local planning authority before any work on site can commence.

And from Wednesday, April 24, smaller developments across England will also need to meet these requirements.   
BNG will affect land managers and developers, as well as local planning authorities. 
Developers should try and maintain existing habitats on the land they’re planning to build on. When this isn’t possible, they should create a replacement habitat on the land they want to develop, or on other nearby land they own. This habitat must be maintained and monitored for at least 30 years.
If developers cannot create new habitats on land they own, they will need to buy replacement units from other providers.

Where there is no local provider, or the required type of units are not available, credits from central government can be purchased as a last resort.

The government will then use this money to create habitats elsewhere in the country. 
In addition to other landowners, North Somerset Council is looking to offer its own BNG service, so developers can buy replacement units from the local authority.

​Once details of the scheme have been finalised, more information will be available here 

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National scheme to protect wildlife launched at Wraxall

North Somerset Council executive member for climate, waste and sustainability Annemieke Waite, is the Green Party ward councillor for Winford.
She said: “We’re committed to building a greener North Somerset, and Biodiversity Net Gain will help us make sure future developments are protecting and improving the environment, ensuring habitats thrive for years to come. 
“It was a privilege to attend the legislation’s national launch at Belmont Estate in Wraxall. 
"I was heartened that the scheme was launched in North Somerset, as great work in improving biodiversity is already underway in the region.
“I’m particularly excited to see what happens with North Somerset Council’s plan to introduce our own BNG scheme, which should benefit local land that we all use and enjoy.”
For more information, visit:

Image by Scott Carroll

BACKWELL BUILDING 3: Nearly 1,000 comments - mostly against building 515 homes at Grove Farm, Backwell, - and only 48hrs left to add your objections HERE. This application has an impact on Nailsea roads, the railway station and more. PHOTOS TOP: Sadijaan Malikaph. The Netherton Grange images are from Nailsea People and were published four years ago

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GOING UP: Two new developments images taken using a drone by photographer James Parsons. One is Miss Shepstone's field under construction at Trendlewood and renamed Bucklands Place, the other is the eco-friendly houses at Tickenham opposite The Star pub (currently closed and pending redevelopment plans) now completed

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TIGHT SQUEEZE: A planning application for 3-bed and 2-bed detached starter homes on open land at Trendlewood Way has been submitted to North Somerset Council.  Auction House London offered this small triangle next to Miss Shepstone's field (renamed Bucklands Place) in April 2023 with a guide price of £5,000. It said it had potential for two small bungalows and came with this warning 'Buyers are advised that a tree (Norway maple) on this site is subject to a TPO'. Read more here

  • There is also a planning application to convert vacant office premises at 45-47 High Street, Nailsea, into four one-bed flats - this is next to the Royal Oak pub in the row of terraced businesses.


Friday, March 8 and Tuesday, March 12
3.30-7.30pm both days Studio Hive will be displaying its latest Battleaxe redevelopment proposals, comment on North Somerset Council planning here The application summary says: 
Planning – Application Summ23/P/1704/FUL | Erection of a two storey rear extension to main building with solar panels on roof for use as office; retention of ancillary bed & breakfast accommodation and part retention of licenced space, change of use of remainder to multi-use business and local community hub (including office and flexible work/collaboration/shop/cafe space falling within use class E and F(2)). Erection of a retail 'pod' building; conversion of stables to 1no.retail unit and garages; refurbishment of boundary walls and out-buildings, hard and soft landscaping, circulation and car and cycle parking. Erection 6no. terraced houses, 2no. mews house and 1no. coach house (9no dwellings) | Battleaxes Inn Bristol Road Wraxall BS48 1LQ Here is the Studio Hive page but you need a password to view

A five bed character home which in part dates back to 18th century and sits in a 1/4 acre is on the market with Hensons.
With what are believed to be pre Georgian origins the grand property features formal rooms and later wings that combine to create a substantial house of considerable charm.
With an attractive classic period façade this home has been  loved and cared for by its present owners for many decades.
Allendale in Silver Street boasts an elegant reception hall, conservatory style porch, reception hall with staircase to galleried landing and three separate reception rooms. 
The drawing room is exceedingly well proportioned and takes advantage of a double aspect over the lawns with a broad bay window allowing an outlook to the west.
The delightful sitting room is again dual aspect and mostly faces south and opens to a flagstone terrace with the main lawn beyond.
The dining room has a less formal air and is quite atmospheric with deep sill windows overlooking the ‘secret garden’ exposed beams and at one end a small inglenook style fireplace.
The farmhouse style kitchen breakfast room is much larger than the dimensions suggest with fitted Aga stands.
Guide Price of £795,000 - £995,000

5-bed character home with history


TRENDLEWOOD SITE SAVED: Nailsea Action Group (NAG) annual meeting at the Grove Sports Centre and Social Club was due to discuss the planning application for two houses on this small triangle foa site at Trendlewood Way with a TPO on the large tree and a public footpath running along its boundary leading to a private house. However, its AGM has been postponed. New date to be announced. A NAG spokesperson said: "The meeting’s theme will be how to defend our public open green spaces."

Praxis Real Estate Management Ltd is selling its lease on Crown Glass Shopping Centre with 'price on application'.

Rightmove is offering the 'retail property shopping centre to lease'.

Or it could just be a clever marketing ploy to rent the empty units?  

It says the centre 'dominates the provision of the retail in the town, comprising approximately 90,000 sq ft of shops and 190 free car parking spaces. National multiples such as Waitrose, Boots, Costa Coffee and WH Smith are complemented by excellent independent businesses; there are also frequent and successful arts and farmers markets. The town has a resident population of over 15,000, but draws from a far wider shopper population from surrounding wealthy villages'.

It makes no mention of maintenance issues and empty units in the blurb.

To download the brochure on empty shops click HERE.

The freehold is believed to be owned by a Canadian teachers' pension fund.

Praxis recently held secret talks with North Somerset Council planners about reviving building a budget supermarket in the car park.

Praxis describes itself as 'a boutique, privately owned investor and manager of UK commercial real estate with a heritage and pedigree that dates back over four decades'.

The brochure shows Barnados charity shop earmarked for the former Orchards furniture store at Somerset Square but the newly reestablished Nailsea Fruit & Veg shop boss told Nailsea People he was struggling to pay his rent and didn't know if he could carry on much longer as business in the perishable trade wasn't good. 

Is Nailsea shopping precinct for sale?


SHOPS FOR SALE: Read more on the Rightmove website HERE

Praxis has:




A local property developer has put a price tage of £13m if the whole of Nailsea shopping precinct is for sale.

In the 1980s when it was owned by Avon County Council an impoverished town council was asked it wanted to buy the shopping centre for £1m.

It was a time when councils couldn't borrow money.

The brochure has confirmed that another charity shop going in Orchards though, McDonalds arrival seems questionable after they pulled out of a similar application in Midsomer Norton because they couldn't have a drive-through.

North Somerset Council is undertaking another round of consultation on its draft Local Plan. This is set to take place during the summer. 

The council began preparing a new Local Plan for North Somerset in 2020. This document identifies where development can and cannot take place in the area, and guides investment for new housing, jobs, transport and community facilities in North Somerset over the next 15 years.

The plan has been shaped by the responses received during four phases of public consultation between 2020 and 2024. 

During consultation, the government published changes to national planning guidance which impacts how local plans are assessed in relation to the housing requirement and approach to the use of Green Belt. 

Due to these changes, the council has set a housing target of 14,902 homes over the plan period.

This figure is lower than the government’s standard method target calculation for the area, but has been calculated as the amount of housing required to meet the needs of the area’s growing population.

Having carefully considered the options, along with the responses received, the council has decided to repeat the last six-week consultation phase.

By doing this, the Local Plan can then be assessed by an independent examiner against the new guidance.

Ahead of the consultation’s launch in the summer, North Somerset Council executive committee will meet in June to consider a revised version of the Local Plan that incorporates the latest feedback.

North Somerset Council executive member for spatial planning, placemaking and economy Mark Canniford is the Liberal Democrats ward councillor for Weston-super-Mare Hillside.

He said: “Since 2020 we’ve been working hard to create a Local Plan that reflects the needs of our communities.

"We remain committed to adopting this as soon as possible.

Local plan - more delays

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“By rerunning the last consultation phase, we can hear from the public again and make sure the Local Plan is assessed against the latest national policy position.

"Getting the views of the local community has been hugely important in shaping the plan, and I’d like to thank everyone who has had their say so far.

“While the delay is unfortunate, it does give us the opportunity to take people’s feedback on board from the last consultation phase and make further adjustments to the Local Plan.” 

Three Olives Garden, Station Road, Nailsea
This is a prestigious detached five-bed home in distrinctive Nailsea enclave for sale with Hensons for offers in the region of £1,150,000.
The house boasts a bespoke oak kitchen with custom-built larder, utility and downstairs cloakroom.
As well as the open plan kitchen, dining room and family room there is a separate study and large airy sitting room. 
Upstairs are five double bedrooms, two with high spec en suite shower rooms plus a family bathroom.
Set in an established private walled garden neighbouring an ancient monument the house boasts an outdoor cabin for use as a retreat, home office or games/play room.
The double garage has remote-controlled electric door, lighting and power.
The property which is 21 years old has undergone a series of enhancements including high performance anodised aluminium double-glazed windows and an about to be installed lacquered copper front door.
Also included are additional energy-saving measures and Aquitiere water filtration system.
This fine property in an exclusive gated community of three houses is offered with no forward chain.

To download the brochure click HERE or contact the estate agents details top.

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£1m+ 5-bed home

North Somerset Council planners have given the green light to new homes in Backwell.

Persimmon Homes Severn Valley were successful in their reserved matters planning application, meaning they can soon commence construction to bring 90 high-quality, much-needed new homes to the village on land at Farleigh Fields.

27 of these homes will be transferred to a local housing association, helping alleviate pressure on the council’s 2,600-strong housing waiting list, while the approval also includes provision of an additional six self-build plots.

The Section 106 agreement will deliver public open space, ecological buffer, equipped play area, ecological enhancements as part of the wildlife area within the adjacent local green space, and financial contributions for bus stop improvements, sustainable travel, improvements to existing public rights of way crossing the local green space, and a car club.

Additionally, Persimmon will make a Community Infrastructure Levy payment more than £500,000 to support the implementation of the scheme.

The five-star developer has also been active in the area recently with a donation to Nailsea & Backwell Rugby Club as part of its Community Champions scheme, which sees £700,000 donated to good causes and much-valued organisations across Britain every year.

Persimmon Valley Severn Valley technical director Joshua Ashwin said:“We are pleased to have secured reserved planning permission to deliver 90 new homes for local people in Backwell.

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Nearly 100 new homes for Farleigh Fields

“Our scheme will not only deliver market homes and properties for a local housing association, but public open space, ecological enhancements, a playground, and financial contributions to local services.

“We are determined to deliver a positive and lasting legacy in every area we build, and we are proud our new development will help open up the dream of homeownership to local families.”

  • Charles Church builders, part of the Persimmon Group, informed Backwell Parish Council this week that it will be delivering leaflets to homes in Backwell discussing a consultation on a proposed 125 houses on Farleigh Fields West (behind Dark Lane). This is a new development following on from the 125 houses which have already been given planning permission. A parish council spokesperson said: "We anticipate that this could well require access from Dark Lane via a property which they already own. This consultation will run until Monday, May 20.  Experience tells us that in the next few months this preliminary consultation will lead to a formal application to North Somerset Council for full planning permission. At this stage we don't have any further details but will let you know as soon as we know more, and will be looking to meet with the builders at the earliest opportunity."


A big bungalow with three bathrooms is for sale with Hensons.
This is an impressive, detached property, on level gardens in a favoured and established avenue, away from through traffic and any areas of proposed new development. 
It has been enlarged and improved in recent years creating a comfortable home with an open plan kitchen and family room with a lovely double aspect window on the private rear garden. 
The principal bedroom has an en suite wet room, there are  two en suites while the fourth bedroom is currently arranged as an occasional bedroom – sitting room and gym also has shower room and mezzanine sitting space.
The living room with large picture window has a multifuel woodburning stove.
The kitchen is fitted with a range of classic style wall and floor cupboards including glazed display cabinets. There are ample laminated worksurfaces with an inset sink, a ceramic hob with a stainless steel splash back, a chimney hood above and a matching built under electric oven-grill. 
There is further appliance space including provision for a large fridge freezer.
More details here or call 01275 810030.


Big bungalow with 3 bathrooms


AL FRESCO EATING: Plans for decking, outdoor eating area and new entrance doors plus new signage have been submitted to North Somerset Council for the iconic old library which this July sees a £1m refit begin to convert the building into a Loungers restaurant. Once complete it will reopen as the Livro Lounge. The plan is to open every day as an informal cafe-bar from Wednesday, August 14, for long, lazy breakfasts, sociable brunches and lunches, and relaxed dinners and drinks.No updates on the tower block behind owned by local businessman Paul O’Brien although rumours have been circulating about interest from hotel chain/another housing association and budget supermarket! What exactly went wrong with the withdrawn McDonalds planning application for the old NatWest bank is still a mystery and we would say watch this space if we had any confidence we would find out soon…

The new North Somerset Local Plan identifies where development can and cannot take place in North Somerset.

It guides investment for new housing, jobs, transport and community facilities over the next 15 years.

It is a long process of back and forth and all you need to know can be found here

After preparing this draft plan North Somerset Council asked people what they thought. And you did tell the council what you thought although many views are contradictory.

There were 560 respondents to the consultation with a total of 2,198 comments. Of the 560 around 98 respondents submitted their representation by e-mail and the remaining online.

There are bits about bats and buses but overall those who bothered to comment have been a little territorial.

Pretty poor when in 2022 there were 160,385 people registered to vote in North Somerset. 

An overwhelming number of comments in the 144-page North Somerset Local Plan 2039 consultation statement under its various headings think the draft plan is 'not sound'.

All comments are available to view on the council’s online consultation system either against each policy within the document or for each respondent..

Nailsea Town Council and Backwell Parish Council (and Backwell Residents Association) were among the 20 town and parish councils out of 39 who also responded to the consultation with many of their comments mirroring the responses of the community within each area,

There were 67 sites submitted for consideration as potential allocations for various uses, but predominantly housing.

The majority of these were either resubmission of sites the council is already aware of, and which have been assessed though the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) or adjustments to an existing site.

There were also three completely new sites that hadn’t been submitted in any previous consultations or through a ‘call for sites’ process.

Main points raised include:

  • Disproportionate growth at villages such as Backwell is not sustainable. New development without adequate facilities or infrastructure will result in increased car use. On the other hand, plan is focused on the towns and fails to recognise that villages are sustainable locations for growth

  • No additional development is appropriate at Nailsea due to lack of infrastructure and facilities and overloaded roads. Alternatively, Nailsea is identified as a town and therefore more development should be targeted there in accordance with the spatial strategy including affordable housing

  • There has been no proper consultation with various local councils on the changes to the Green Belt and settlement boundaries

  • None of the Green Belt should be built on. North Somerset seems determined on over development in this new local plan including the desecration of the Green Belt

  • Nailsea needs a new road from Coates and Southfield Road Industrial Estates to Wraxall Road to allow for the traffic from new residential development and to release industrial and employment opportunities for Nailsea. Land should be released from the Green  Belt to allow for this

  • Support for specific elements such as the level of housing provision proposed at Portishead or Nailsea and the removal of Nailsea/Backwell as a strategic location for growth

  • Concern the plan does not allow for new employment in Nailsea, which will impact on the levels of out-commuting, especially as Nailsea already has one of the highest rates in North Somerset. Brownfield sites should be safeguarded for such uses

  • Concern over the ability of the transport network around Backwell, Nailsea and Flax Bourton to accommodate additional demand from  proposed residential allocations in the plan (Grove Farm and existing permission for Farleigh Fields), including impacts on the A370

  • The Elms be considered as part of Nailsea in any Boundary Review, as well as land to the north of Nailsea, taking both out of the Parish of Wraxall and Failand

  • Backwell Crossroads, Brockley and nearby rural lanes network and train capacity at Nailsea & Backwell Railway Station. Lack of infrastructure improvements identified to mitigate the impacts

  • Concern over the capacity at Nailsea & Backwell railway station car park. Services have reduced in frequency and features regular cancellations

  • There is no disability or pushchair access at this train station. A section on railways should be included within SP10 due to the effectiveness of moving high volumes of people

  • Concern over the implications of the bus service Improvement plan.

  • Proposals to shut the Dark Lane arm of the A370 Backwell Crossroads to through traffic, citing potentially unsafe alternative accesses onto the A370 at Church Lane and impact of re-routed HGVs on local roads

  • Concerns raised over the speed and volume of traffic through and around Tickenham and the inappropriate routing on its nearby rural lanes, causing conflict with active travel and creates safety/danger concerns. Need to identify improved infrastructure for the area

  • An opportunity has been missed not to explicitly mention ‘green lanes’ or to promote reductions in speed limit to 20mph in rural country lanes

  • The Strategic Gap between Nailsea and Backwell should only be removed if the Green Belt is extended to the west. The strategic gap should be maintained regardless of the outcome of any changes to the Green Belt. The proposed designation does not extend to the urban settlement boundary, essentially leaving an area of ‘white land’ between the settlement boundary and the proposed Green Belt extension

What we all thought of draft local plan for North Somerset

  • Concern from Network Rail about accessibility issues at Nailsea & Backwell railway station and the potential for overcrowding particularly in school peak times. Request for consideration of this as development comes forward

  • ​Concern over the ability of the transport network around Backwell and Nailsea to accommodate additional demand from proposed residential allocations in the plan (Grove Farm and existing permission for Farleigh Fields), including impacts on the A370 Backwell Crossroads, nearby rural lanes network and train and parking capacity at Nailsea & Backwell Railway Station. Lack of infrastructure improvements identified to mitigate the impacts

  • Reserved transport corridor within consented Youngwood Lane development, Nailsea does not connect with a road or bus route. Future extension of this route would be across flood plain

  • Concern that the disabled access at the station is not proposed to be implemented. Disabled people cannot use the station and are directed to travel to Yatton instead. This applies to many ambulant disabled people not just those in wheelchairs. Not only is access to and from the platforms impossible for many but the platforms themselves have high and irregular step-heights to the trains. Yet the Plan only refers to lengthening the platforms

  • The proposed hub lies at the tight bottle neck where Station Road becomes a single lane under the railway bridge; in addition, Station Close forms a T-junction with Station Road at this point ; and the junction and railway tunnel is teeming with pedestrians at school opening and closing times and with those train passengers arriving and leaving the station by foot

  • Transport Hub is of no use unless other transport measures are included in the plan. Double decker buses cannot pass under the railway bridge which limits the use of Station Road for buses.

  • No buses terminate at the station, or are ever likely to, as the economics of routes here depend upon passing through both Nailsea and Backwell. Buses would not turn off Station Road to use a transport hub as this would just cause delays. A new crossing of the railway has been ruled out yet such a crossing would allow for huge improvements for active travel and bus operations centred on the station and could make a transport hub worthwhile.

  • At Nailsea the Morgan’s Hill area and the land south of Grove School and west of Sedgemoor Close should be LGS being heavily used for recreation. Other adjacent areas (Uplands, Land off Engine Lane, etc) have been allocated to building development, reducing the available green space for residents

  • At Nailsea land between Newton Green, Worcester Gardens, Blakeney Grove and The Bramleys should be LGS. North of this area is Hannah More Park west of the allotments and east of Hannah More Road, with children’s play equipment.

  • The closure of access from Dark Lane, Backwell to the A370 will have a terrible impact on traffic in Church Lane (both directions) and at each end there is no traffic-controlled access to the A370.


Next steps:

On 19 December 2023, mid-way through the consultation on the Pre-submission Plan, the government published the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

As explained in section 1 the Reg 19 version of the North Somerset Local Plan had been prepared in anticipation of government reforms and anticipated changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in relation to two topics of particular significance to North Somerset; the derivation of the housing requirement and the approach to using Green Belt and other significant constraints.

Having considered the response to consultation and the guidance on transitional arrangements, North Somerset Council has decided to publish a new version of the plan for submission.

This new Reg 19 Local Plan is being prepared in the context of the current December 2023 NPPF and is proposed to contain significant changes to the previous document.

This will include a roll-forward of the plan period to 2025-2040 as well as other changes in response to feedback from the previous consultation and other issues.

It is anticipated that consultation on the new Regulation 19 plan will commence in Summer 2024 with submission for examination in the Autumn.

To read consultation document in full click HERE.

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Ambitious plans to transform a derelict 19th century pub into new offices, homes, business hub and licensed cafe/coffee shop have been submitted to North Somerset Council following consultation with the local community.  Studio Hive - an award-winning group of property developers and architects set up in 2014 by Jason Collard and his wife Natalie – has submitted updated plans to revive The Battleaxes in Wraxall. 
Once used as a temperance inn for workers at the nearby Tyntesfield Estate, the Grade II listed pub was built in 1882.  
The Battleaxes was restored in 2010 before being acquired by the Country Pub Group in 2019.
However it closed prior to the first Covid lockdown in early 2020 and has not re-opened since, after the Country Pub Group went into administration.  Under the Studio Hive proposals, a new two-storey extension would be built at the rear of the pub to supplement the main building to create new offices for the business. 
A new business hub will be based in the main building, with the bed and breakfast rooms at the pub retained and the existing stable building converted into new business units.  
There would also be an on-site farm shop concession, run by a local operator and selling locally sourced produce within the ground-floor café, with new communal gardens and an opportunity for space to be made available to local organisations and community groups. 
To complement the conversion there will seven new low carbon homes built on the site.  
The development includes 44 car parking spaces, along with cycle storage and electric vehicle charging points.

New plans for old pub

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 The Studio Hive plans have been supported by Wraxall and Failand Parish Council.  
Studio Hive managing director Jason Collard said the final details of the application continue to be discussed with the council’s planning department, and that he hopes to see a positive outcome soon.   
“Our proposals are designed to inject new life into the heart of Wraxall,” he said.  
“The Battleaxes will be a place to meet, live, work, pick up groceries, grab a coffee or take part in society. 
"We intend to return the Grade II listed building into active use while respecting its character and making better use of the historic building.” 

PHOTO: Proposed Studio Hive development

at The Battleaxes in Wraxall  

The new playground at Parish Brook was opened to residents on Saturday, May 18.

The play park is on the Barratts Homes development off Engine Lane.

The community enjoyed a special celebratory open day hosted by Barratt Homes Bristol, who served up pizza and drinks.

There are 171-homes on the five-acre site.

Barratt Bristol sales director Andrea Pilgrim said: "We are always so excited to secure a space like this one and see the development start to grow.

“It’s so beautiful here, right on the edge of the North Somerset countryside, but also close to the high street shops, the M5 motorway, Bristol airport and the local train station.

"But the real celebration is on days like this, when you hear from the people settled here about how they’re enjoying their homes, making new connections with each other, and discovering everything this area has to offer.

"We couldn’t be happier.”

Parish Brook has 29 houses remaining and offers a key work deposit contribution and the new Own New - Rate Reducer scheme.

PLAY AWAY: Top local children explore the new park; Jane and Juliet MacFarlane, mother and daughter, who decided to buy on the same development after Juliet’s parents moved from Glasgow to be near their new granddaughter. They now live two minutes walk from each other. And Craig Tyrrell, one of the first to move in to Parish Brook and one of a growing group of dog-walking friends on the development. Photos Julian James

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Parish Brook playground

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Would you like to live in a Grade II listed apartment near Nailsea?

Just Let’s Bristol has four beautiful flats available to rent located in lovely Cleeve countryside.

There is one 1-bed and three 2-bed spacious flats which all come with fully integrated kitchens including dishwashers and lots of original features.


Country living, flats 'to let' in Cleeve


Rents range from £1,000pcm for the 1-bed, to £1,300pcm for two of the 2-beds and £1,400pcm for the ground floor 2-bed.

The historic building is set in private grounds with communal areas and backs onto woodland.

The high spec conversion comes with heating and hot water supplied by the biomass boiler for low running costs.

All flats have an allocated parking space.

Three of the flats are ready to move into now subject to satisfactory references and the final 2-bed flat will be released mid-July.

To book a viewing call the letting agents on 0117 952 2522, email or go online here


A 4-bed showhouse has opened at the North Somerset Council and Stonewood Homes site off The Uplands.

The four-bedroom property known as The Lime showcases the exceptional standard of design and sustainability that residents can expect from this pioneering housing development know at Elm Grove.

It is the only detached house on the site which includes two, three and four-bedroom properties, 20 of which will be affordable, including six bungalows.

Four affordable homes will be shared ownership with the rest being for rent.  

Six of the homes will be fully wheelchair accessible and nine are built to be easily adaptable for residents with disabilities if required.

Consideration has also been given to the new world of working from home, with homes having extra storage and office / study spaces.

But none of the houses have garages and there are limited parking spaces.

All 52 homes will be Passivhaus certified and extremely energy efficient, saving residents up to 95 per cent on fuel bills compared to the average UK homeowner whilst helping slash their carbon footprint. 

This includes an ultra modern 'boiler' room with lots of pipes which does not use gas or oil. - see slideshow top.

The homes include as standard, all flooring throughout, Silestone worktops - a low-silica mineral surface composed of premium minerals and recycled materials - in the kitchen, high spec appliances and sustainable features and rewards that will save the buyers thousands of pounds.

To download a brochure go to

The Elm Grove housing development is a collaboration between North Somerset Council, Stonewood Homes, Homes England and One Public Estate and all four organisations came together to celebrate the show home launch. 

North Somerset Council executive member for placemaking and economy Mark Canniford is the Lib Dem ward councillor for Weston-super-Mare Hillside.

He said: “Passivhaus homes are the gold standard of energy efficiency and something housing developments should aspire to.

“Not only does Elm Grove realise these aspirations in North Somerset, the mixture of property sizes and tenures offers the opportunities of sustainable living to our whole community.

“I am particularly delighted also that 20 of the homes will be affordable, and that many of the homes